Transport Research Arena (TRA) Dublin 2024

ALICE is supporting and co-organizing the Transport Research Arena

TRA, the Transport Research Arena, is the foremost European transport event that covers all transport modes and all aspects of mobility. It is the largest European research and technology conference on transport and mobility.

In 2024, TRA takes place in Dublin, Ireland. The theme for TRA2024 is “Transport Transitions: Advancing Sustainable and Inclusive Mobility”.

TRA offers a great venue for researchers, policymakers and industry representatives to get together and contribute to the discussion on how research and innovation can reshape the transport and mobility system. The conference provides a unique opportunity to hear about mobility trends in different parts of Europe, learn from achievements in the industry as well as share best practices of policies and deployments.

The conference will take place from 15-18 April 2024, at the RDS, Dublin, Ireland.

What´s ALICE role in the conference?

  • Shaping the Plenary, Strategic Sessions together with other organizing partners
  • Propose High-Level Speakers
  • Coordinate sessions in which freight/logistics is core
  • Promote the conference and engage with the freight and logistics innovation community to gather them at TRA

ALICE invites European-wide innovative projects to join our stand as co-exhibitors!




The main themes of the Conference this year will be:

  1. Safe & Inclusive Transport
  2. Sustainable Mobility of People and Goods
  3. Collaborative Digitalisation
  4. Efficient & Resilient Systems


  • Efficient and Innovative logistics
  • Greening freight transport
  • Urban logistics
  • Connected and automated multimodal mobility
  • Innovative hubs
  • Innovative Business and Governance Models

Target Audience

  • Industry, in particular freight transport users and related companies.
  • Academia (universities, research institutes/centers, think tanks)
  • European Commission, European Parliament, policy makers and international organisations
  • European Technology Platforms and Associations stakeholders and members (ETPs, CEDR and ETRA)
  • H2020 /Horizon Europe/etc. projects, other initiatives & networks, previous TRA conference organisers
  • Regions and cities
  • Media e.g. journalists and bloggers
  • Citizens in general for wider society

Related information:

Discover ALICE at TRA 2024

Visit TRA 2024 website

TRAVisions | TRA: Transport Research Arena 2024 | Young Researcher competition

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