Mar 27, 2024

POLIS – ALICE Greening Urban Freight Webinar Series 2024 #1: Physical Internet Led Urban Logistics

Wednesday, March 6th, 2024


Physical Internet (PI) is a concept for system-thinking of city infrastructures like computing assets that can be provisioned “on-demand” through cloud like “Infrastructure as a Service” (IaaS) concepts (Franklin et al., 2023). PI proposes pooling resources and assets in open, connected, synchro-modal and shared networks so that they can be used seamlessly by network users and partners.

In a PI environment, real-time freight data sharing and route optimisations become critical tools for operators, allowing swift response to delays, reducing dwell times, and realizing efficiency benefits. PI advocates for greater policy consistency in data-sharing ecosystems, urging city governments to adopt a collaborative, data-driven approach to policymaking and sustainable planning.

In this webinar, you will hear current practices that embrace the concept of Physical Internet to increase efficiency while contributing to decarbonisation of the sector.

The webinar is supported by two ongoing EU-funded DISCO and URBANE projects:

URBANE, or Upscaling Innovative Green Urban Logistics Solutions Through Multi-Actor Collaboration and Physical Internet (PI)-inspired Last Mile Deliveries, is a HORIZON Europe that supports the transition path towards effective, resilient, safe and sustainable last-mile transport, through four Lighthouse Living Labs (LL) in Helsinki, Bologna, Valladolid and Thessaloniki. This will facilitated by its URBANE Innovation Transferability Platform comprising Digital Twinning Tools, open models, smart contracts governed by blockchain technology and a data-driven Impact Assessment Radar.

DISCO is a HORIZON Europe project that stands for ‘Data-driven, Integrated, Synchro-modal, Collaborative and Optimised urban freight meta-model for a new generation of urban logistics and planning with data sharing at European Living Labs’. It drives European cities like Copenhagen, Gent, Thessaloniki, Helsinki, Padua, Zaragoza, Valencia and Barcelona towards a PI approach that aims to overcome possible trade-offs between the accessibility of goods and services, quality of life and environmental aspects necessitating fewer kms travelled to deliver the same amount of goods. Twenty-three data-driven innovation measures will be demonstrated across our Living Labs.

Agenda and presentations

12:00    Welcome & introduction to the workshop, Paola Cossu, Co-Chair of the ALICE TG on Urban logistics (Download Presentation)

12:05    The URBANE Living Lab in Bologna, Alice Benini – Project manager at the Institute for Transport and Logistics (ITL) (Download Presentation)

12:20    Urban Access Control living labs in DISCO project and Belgian cities, Dr. Bart Lannoo –  Innovation Director at Be-mobile (Download Presentation)

12:35    Open discussion and Q&A from the audience,  Paola Cossu (Download Presentation)

12:55    Wrap up and next steps, Raffaele Vergnani, Urban Freight Cluster Lead at POLIS (Download Presentation)


POLIS-ALICE 2024 webinars series

A strategic discussion has been in place between POLIS and ALICE since 2019, which has resulted in a strong and well-recognised alliance between the two organisations over the years. The common vision of this venture is to support each other’s members to accelerate the transition as fast as and as effectively as possible by continuous gathering and sharing of initiatives, and networking activities facilitating collaboration. Both organizations want to be at the forefront of urban transformation, proactively addressing issues with pollution, traffic, safety, and the environment through urban freight and logistics.

Across the series, governance, technology, planning, incentive schemes and more are explored. It is a chance to learn how public-private partnerships are being deployed in novel ways to leverage cutting edge digital technologies and data sharing mechanisms. It will also provide an opportunity to hear about new concepts and opportunities between ongoing EU-funded projects and initiatives.

Most of the webinars in this series are reserved exclusively for POLIS and ALICE members, with a select few open to the public.

URBANE and DISCO are funded by the European Union under grant number 101069782 and 101103954 respectively. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


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