ALICE White Paper “AI in Logistics”

Friday, May 17th, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming industries around the world, and logistics is no exception. As the sector grapples with complex challenges, such as fluctuating consumer demand, rising costs, and sustainability concerns, AI is emerging as a powerful tool to optimise operations, improve efficiency, and drive growth.

The ALICE white paper “AI in Logistics” delves into the potential of AI to transform the European logistics landscape. It explores the fundamental concepts of AI, its various applications in logistics across different domains, and the challenges and opportunities associated with its implementation.

Key insights from the white paper:

  • Understanding AI fundamentals: Diving into the essence of AI, the white paper provides a clear explanation of essential AI concepts, such as machine learning (ML), deep learning, and different learning approaches. It highlights the difference between ML software and traditional software, emphasising the adaptive nature of ML as opposed to the static functionality of traditional systems. This adaptability is crucial in logistics, where dynamic conditions and complex problem solving are the norm.
  • AI applications across logistics domains: The white paper showcases how AI is being used in various logistics domains, including ports, intralogistics, and transport management. Real-world examples include AI-powered container identification, intelligent warehouse robots, and real-time traffic forecasting for optimised routes. These applications span across various functions – from sensing and thinking to acting – demonstrating the AI’s versatility in enhancing operational efficiency and decision-making processes. Whether it’s optimising production schedules, improving intralogistics, or automating port operations, AI’s contributions are both profound and far-reaching.
  • Addressing implementation challenges: The white paper acknowledges the challenges associated with adopting AI in logistics, including cost, data availability, and privacy concerns. It also provides valuable pragmatic guidance on how to navigating these challenges, advocating for a phased approach that starts with small-scale use cases to gradually build AI capabilities.


The ALICE white paper on “AI in Logistics” serves as a resource for industry stakeholders, providing insights, guidance, and inspiration on how to use AI to redefine logistics operations. The supportive policies of the EU are instrumental in fostering an environment where AI can thrive, driving the logistics industry towards a future marked by efficiency, sustainability, and innovation.


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