Insights from the Open Logistics Report

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024

The Open Logistics Foundation, with whom ALICE has signed a Memorandum of Understanding in late 2023, has recently published the Open Logistics Report. It highlights the transformative power of open source solutions in logistics, in line with ALICE’s vision of the Physical Internet, and shows how these solutions are critical to improving the efficiency, resilience and adaptability of the industry. The report supports the ALICE “Systems and Technologies for Interconnected Logistics” Thematic Group by promoting standardisation, collaboration, and technological innovation for greater efficiency and sustainability.

Open source projects facilitate system compatibility and interoperability, addressing the perennial problem of multiple and often incompatible systems used by different stakeholders. Embracing open source can mean reduced operational bottlenecks, cost savings and improved flexibility to meet evolving technological landscapes.

Key themes and project highlights

The report features detailed profiles of 19 open source projects that are driving innovation in logistics and supply chain management. Here are some notable examples:

  • Apache OFBiz: A comprehensive suite for automating logistics networks, offering modules for accounting, CRM, order management, warehousing, and more. It is particularly beneficial for small companies with low logistics requirements.
  • Eclipse SUMO: A sophisticated traffic simulation suite that supports modelling of intermodal traffic systems, including road vehicles, public transport, and pedestrians. This tool is invaluable for urban mobility research and planning.
  • ERPNext: A cloud-based ERP system with integrated logistics functionalities, suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises. It provides robust solutions for inventory and multi-site management.
  • OpenLMIS: Designed to manage health commodity supply chains in developing nations, this tool supports logistics processes across various health programs, enhancing the efficiency and reliability of supply chains in low-income settings.

If you would like your project to be included in the next edition of the report, please email

Addressing current challenges

One of the report’s important insights is the role of open source solutions in overcoming current logistics challenges. These solutions provide a pathway to:

  • Operational efficiency: By standardising systems and streamlining processes, open source projects reduce operational inefficiencies and enhance overall performance.
  • Cost savings: Smaller logistics companies can significantly benefit from the reduced costs associated with IT system adjustments and upgrades.
  • Technological adaptability: Open source solutions offer the flexibility required to keep pace with rapid technological advancements, ensuring that logistics operations remain competitive and resilient.

The success of open source projects depends on active community engagement and collaboration. The report highlights different types of open source communities, from vendor-driven to true community-driven models. Participation in these communities can foster innovation, provide access to a wider range of resources, and offer valuable opportunities for collaboration.

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