Artificial Intelligence

Create a good overview of ALICE members active in the field of AI applications for logistics and bring them together to share experiences and learnings. Organise workshops to create visibility on AI methodologies, tools and challenges. This also includes examples of already existing AI application in industry. This group aims to address logistics industry members challenges, opportunities and pain points through AI together with definition of R&I needs that need to be further explored. One of the goals is also to define potential for collaborative developments in the field of AI. The members of this group are invited to jointly apply for collaborative projects in the field of AI and work on scientific publications showing the use of AI in logistics.

Which is the Output/what do you want to deliver?

  • Bring together companies using solutions/willing to explore AI solutions for logistics.
  • Collect input for recommendations towards EU
  • Publish a whitepaper on AI in Logistics

How can ALICE members contribute/participate?

  • For Companies developing solutions. By sharing a presentation of the specific solution, market addressed and state of development (i.e. commercial, launching phase) that could be shared openly with the group.
  • For Companies using solutions/willing to explore solutions. A short interest document highlighting which is the pain point they believe could be solved through AI technologies or the experience they have with the technology, application field, next steps, remaining barriers. User companies may decide to make this public or not also anonymized.
  • For Research Centres by sharing a summary of the experience in the field including the specific aspects they are focussed on, the challenges they are addressing and references to relevant publications as well as solutions/prototypes with TRL 7 and beyond and relevant past and current projects they are engaged with to be shared with the group.
  • For Collaborative Projects and Initiatives, share a description, timeline, partners and expected outcome of the project and initiative as well as the key challenges addressed by the project and initiative or the expected market solution to be developed.

More information:

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All ALICE Artificial Intelligence related past events, news and documents