Develop the Global Logistics Emission Council, GLEC framework to include emission factors for the calculation and reporting of GHG from new fuels and energy carriers for Road Transport.
Follow up the development of the European Commission initiative on count your emissions EU and the resulting proposal for Regulation on the accounting of greenhouse gas emissions of transport services is published (more information) as part of the Greening Freight Package. The proposal for regulation application will be compulsory for all services that calculates greenhouse gas emissions of a transport service starting or ending on the Union territory and discloses disaggregated information on those emissions to any third party for commercial or regulatory purpose.
The methodology to account emissions will follow: ISO 14083:2023 Greenhouse gases — Quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions arising from transport chain operations (link).
Assess and explore the interdependencies with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a lever for decarbonization. More and more companies will be subject to it starting for big corporations for the 2024 financial year for reports published in 2025. Concrete action plans need to be part of the reporting for companies in scope.
Which is the Output/what we deliver?
- Cross-fertilization activities with our members by sharing advances and nucleating member interests.
- State of the art knowledge and guidance in the field.
- Updated information on the progress of the European legislative and non-legislative relevant files as well as sharing developments in relevant EU projects.
- Active participation of our members in the development and implementation of the EU regulation on accounting of GHGs. An Expert Group to support the development of secondary legislation (e.g. implementing and delegated acts affecting verification and auditing processes).
- Arrange webinars and sessions with our members to share latest developments.
How can ALICE members contribute/participate?
- Participate by sharing tools, knowledge and experience in using the new solutions.
- Actively participate in the consultations and mechanisms established by the EC in the implementation of the regulations