Inland waterways

Create a stable group within ALICE to share experiences, projects and initiatives directed to increase the use of Inland Waterways Transport in logistics chains and supporting the common objectives defined in the Memorandum of Understanding with Waterborne Technology Platform.

Through this activity, we expect to:

  • Share and get to know ALICE members interests, competences and capabilities in the field.
  • Create links across relevant projects and support projects to get exposed to the freight and logistics community in ALICE.
  • Support cross-fertilization and identification of opportunities to share shippers, cargo owners and forwarders expectations on future developments of IWT.
  • Share and discuss ALICE roadmaps (zero emissions and physical internet) with the IWT stakeholders and connecting IWT roadmaps to a broader perspective contributing to further alignment.
  • Share innovative initiatives from IWT targeting increase the use and engaging more users in IWT innovation events.

Which is the output/what do you want to deliver?

  • An active community of ALICE members interested and working in the field of IWT to reduce barriers and increase the usage of IWT.
  • Webinars and workshops to share projects, results and initiatives.
  • IWT digitalisation roadmap aligned with PI.
  • Framework for members to realise collaboration opportunities.
  • Short document depicting user needs/expectations (IWT vs shippers) and actionable steps.

How can ALICE members contribute/participate?

  • For IWT members: to actively participate in the process, meetings and activities sharing knowledge and relevant projects particularly explaining the value proposition for users
  • For users: shippers, freight forwarders and logistics companies, by sharing their experiences on IWT (what it works, what it does not), sharing requirements and expectations.

Related news

The Padano-Veneto inland waterway system, which includes the River Po, the Fissero-Tartaro-Canalbianco Canal, the Ferrarese waterway and several ports, has significant potential to contribute to sustainable logistics in Europe. As one of the pilot areas of the Horizon Europe-funded CRISTAL Read more
Under the coordination of Lukaziewicz, the Technological Institute of Poznan, 15 partners including ALICE met on the 11th and the 12th of October at the University of Gdansk in Sopot for the kick-off meeting of the ambitious project Cristal. Cristal Read more
IW-NET will deliver a multimodal optimisation process across the EU Transport System, increasing the modal share of IWT and supporting the EC’s ambitions to reduce transport GHG emissions by two-thirds by 2050. Enablers for sustainable infrastructure management and innovative vessels Read more

Related events

  Alice is working on the MultiRELOAD project since September 2023 and is co-organizing with Prodanube and project partners a User Forum Meeting during the Danube Ports Days on 23/24 November in Vienna (find here the agenda).  Registration to the Danube Read more
Why this webinar We invite you to a webinar concerning the utilization of Digital Twins within the context of ports and inland waterway transport. Based on previously completed projects, this webinar will address the architectural design, implementation and efficacy of Read more
Why this webinar The Digital Twin group has been set up to create a community for promoting and exchanging experiences on digital twins in logistics. This is to encourage a proactive culture of logistics process management, organize events to showcase model Read more

All ALICE Inland Waterways related past events, news and documents