ALICE 10th anniversary kicks off in Brussels reflecting on the support received from the European Commission recognition as an European Technology Platform

Monday, December 18th, 2023

Brussels, 19/12/2023 – ALICE, the Alliance for Logistics Innovation through Collaboration in Europe, a growing not-for-profit Association, is proud to announce its 10th anniversary

Since its inception in 2013, ALICE has been committed to excellence, innovation, and market deployment of robust results steaming from top-notch R&I projects, and this milestone marks a momentous journey of growth and success.
ALICE has supported, assisted and advised the European Commission in the implementation of the EU Programs for research: Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe fulfilling the mandate received 10 years ago when it was recognized as an European Technology Platform.

Over the years, ALICE has grown, and it is today a well-considered player in both the logistics and transport sector and the European Arena. Through unwavering dedication and a relentless pursuit of excellence, the platform has successfully led and supported experts and companies in implementing supply chain and logistics innovation. The aim is to accelerate an affordable transition to net zero emissions transport & logistics operations. ALICE is accompanying the development of the Physical Internet concept and its implementation. Multiple initiatives in freight transport and logistics are now aiming at making structural collaboration possible in different domains and this can only become more important with the push for sustainability and carbon neutrality.

“We are incredibly grateful to our members, dedicated employees in the Secretariat, and supportive partners who have been instrumental to our success throughout this remarkable journey. The recognition by the European Commission gave us both a challenging mandate and a powerful instrument to create a European logistics innovation ecosystem” 

“This anniversary signifies not only the years of hard work and determination but also the immense potential that lies ahead as we continue to drive the logistics landscape change towards zero emission logistics.”

said François Régis Le Tourneau, ALICE Chair and VP Corporate Supply Chain Standards and Prospective Director at L’ORÉAL

ALICE’s commitment to collaborative innovation has been at the heart of its growth. With a strong focus on Members’ needs and feedback, the association has consistently proposed cutting-edge concepts and frameworks to address industry challenges. Looking ahead, ALICE aims to further enhance its offerings, explore new opportunities, and continue delivering exceptional value to its members and the whole ecosystem to deliver on environmental and societal needs.

For the kick-off celebration of this significant milestone, ALICE has planned a special event at the BELvue Museum on the 19th December. The anniversary celebrations will also provide an opportunity to reflect on the association’s journey, acknowledge the contributions of its members, and employees, and strengthen its partnerships with stakeholders.

On 20th of December, ALICE organized the final conference of the BOOSTLOG project, 2 3-year coordination and support action coordinated by ALICE and through which has contributed to advance in the transformation of the European freight transport and logistics R&I ecosystem, create frameworks and tools to boost impact generation out of R&I investment. BOOSTLOG project has contributed to EU policy objectives towards climate neutrality, pollution, congestion and noise reduction, free movement of goods, internal security, digital transformation of logistics chains and data sharing logistics.

About ALICE:

ALICE was created in the frame of the WINN project having the European Green Cars Initiative (logistics section) and EIRAC, European Intermodal Research Advisory Council, as background and supporting initiatives. ALICE was officially recognized as a European Technology Platform by the European Commission in July 2013.

ALICE is set-up to develop a comprehensive industry lead strategy for research, innovation and market deployment of logistics and supply chain innovations in Europe. Leading experts and companies in implementing supply chain and logistics innovation form ALICE aiming at transitioning towards net zero emissions transport & logistics operations in an affordable way. ALICE vision is that logistics, from global to urban, are founded on universal and open standards and protocols enabling interconnectivity and seamless access to assets and resources in logistics networks. This framework enables opportunities for increased efficiency and productivity, increasing the agility and resilience of supply chains. We call this vision the Physical Internet (PI) and it will support the affordable transition of assets and energies towards Zero emissions logistics.

For further information, please contact:

Fernando Liesa • ALICE

Avenue Jacques Brel 28_0, 1200 Brussels

Phone: +32 (0)470257625 • Mail:


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