Join us at the ALICE Logistics Innovation Summit, taking place on 6 & 7 November 2024 at the Tangla Hotel, Brussels.
The registration process consists of two steps:
Step 1: Please complete the registration form below. You will receive a notification email as a confirmation that we have well received your registration form.
Step 2: You will receive a confirmation email from ALICE regarding your registration. If payment is required, details will be provided in this email. Your registration will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment. A separate email will be sent to you with further instructions from our team, if applicable.
We look forward to welcoming you to the ALICE Logistics Innovation Summit!
Registration form
Delegates pass rates*
Additional 2-day conference pass for ALICE members
Additional 1-day conference pass for ALICE members
2-day conference pass
1-day conference pass
*All rates are excluding VAT
Free participation:
ALICE Members with a membership fee of €1500 or less
One 2-day conference pass with dinner
ALICE Members with a membership fee of less than €4500
Two 2-day conference passes with dinner
ALICE Members with a membership fee of €4500 or more