These are the running ALICE projects:
- AUTOSUP, Preparing the ground for AUTonomous Multimodal SUPply Chains
- CLEVER, Creating Legitimate Emission Factors for Verified Emission Reduction
- CRISTAL, Climate resilient and environmentally sustainable transport infrastructure, with a focus on inland waterways
- DELPHI, FeDerated nEtwork of pLatforms for Passenger and freigHt Intermodality
- DISCO, Data-driven, Integrated, Synchromodal, Collaborative and Optimised urban freight meta model for a new generation of urban logistics and planning with data sharing at European Living Labs
- FLEXMCS, Flexible Megawatt Charging Systems for the European Electric Mobility System
- FOREMAST, Freight vOlumes transfer from Road to waterborne transport, using zeroEMission, Automated, Small, and flexible vessel (SFAZ) protoTypes
- GreenTurn, Enabling stakeholder-centric zero emission e-commerce delivery and return practices through transparent and collaborative supply chains
- MACBETH, Multipoint Megawatt Charging for Battery Electric Truck Hubs
- MODI, A leap towards SAE L4 automated driving features
- MultiRELOAD, Port solutions for efficient, effective and sustainable multimodality
- PIONEERS , PORTable Innovation Open Network for Efficiency and Emissions Reduction Solutions
- ReMuNet, Resilient Multimodal freight Transport Network
- SARIL, Sustainability And Resilience for Infrastructure and Logistics networks
- SEAMLESS, Safe, Efficient and Autonomous: Multimodal Library of European Shortsea and inland Solutions
- SHIFT2ZERO: Shifting to zero-emission logistics with right-sized, mission-focused, N1 eLCVs
- URBANE, Upscaling innovative green urban logistics solutions through multi-actor collaboration and pi-inspired last mile deliveries
- ZEFES, Zero Emission flexible vehicle platforms with modular powertrains serving the long-haul Freight Eco System
ALICE finished projects:
- BOOSTLOG, BOOSTing impact generation from research and innovation on integrated freight transport and LOGistics system (as coordinator)
- ENTRANCE, European matchmaking platform facilitates cross-fertilisation and clustering activities for European transport
- FENIX, A European FEderated Network of Information eXchange in Logistics
- SENSE, Accelerating the Path Towards Physical Internet
ALICE is additionally collaborating with liaised projects to assess the implementation of ALICE Roadmaps, identify new gaps and prepare recommendation to the European Commission future programs and calls for research and innovation projects.