GreenTurn – Enabling stakeholder-centric zero emission e-commerce delivery and return practices through transparent and collaborative supply chains

The global e-commerce market, growing rapidly since 2020, is projected to continue grow in coming years. Delivery for e-commerce purchases has stimulated innovation in urban logistics, thus bringing a revolution to urban logistics. The POLIS – ALICE Joint Guide has recognised a trend – consumers are increasingly requesting information on how products are delivered, retailers responses to customer awareness by showing transport CO2 impacts and offering green delivery methods. “When information on sustainability is provided for the delivery options, there is already a positive impact on consumers decision.” Hans Schurmans, Director Logistics operations at Proximus and ALICE Urban Logistics Co-Chair.

Project objectives

The GreenTurn project aims to address the lack of transparency around the environmental impact of e-commerce deliveries and returns, with a focus on creating sustainable, zero-emission solutions. The project brings together a diverse consortium of stakeholders to co-create a framework that provides transparent and reliable information to e-commerce consumers, enabling them to make more sustainable choices. The project addresses the complexities of calculating emissions across the e-commerce supply chain and aims to create solutions that help both consumers and businesses reduce their environmental impact.

GreenTurn uses design thinking approaches to combine behavioural interventions (such as incentives, nudges, and gamification) with sustainable delivery and return options (such as time windows, in-store pickups, and returnable packaging). Five complementary pilots will be conducted in Poland, Spain, France, Greece, and Austria, involving logistics service providers, marketplaces, and retailers.

Key innovation areas

  • Zero-emission logistics: Advanced logistics systems will enable pilots to offer an average of 82% of delivery and return options as zero emission.
  • Social sustainability: The pilots will also address issues such as customer accessibility and the working conditions of logistics employees.
  • Behavioural interventions: Solutions will be based on behavioural insights to encourage more sustainable consumer choices.
  • Policy impact: GreenTurn will work with public authorities to translate findings into long-term policies that ensure uptake and impact across Europe.

Why ALICE is part of GreenTurn?

ALICE supports the project’s ambition to transition towards zero-emission logistics by fostering collaboration between logistics stakeholders and contributing to the adoption of green practices. The project supports the implementation of the POLIS – ALICE Joint Guide that has identified Consumer Engagement as one of five intervention areas

ALICE will play a key role in the project to support stakeholder engagement, business models analysis, exploitation paths and transferability, policy alignment and dissemination of results, and the creation of synergies with related initiatives. ALICE’s involvement ensures that the project aligns with broader European logistics goals and policies, helps transfer knowledge to a wider network of stakeholders and facilitate operational implementation of results beyond the project.

Additional information

Project Manager at ALICE: Yanying Li

Consortium members

The GreenTurn consortium is led by SIEC BADAWCZA LUKASIEWICZ – POZNANSKI INSTYTUT TECHNOLOGICZNY and counts 14 project partners from 7 countries.

ALICE members in the consortium:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101147942. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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