Delivering solutions for Urban Logistics in the on-demand economy. ULaaDS & ALICE together at TRA, 14th-17th November, Lisbon

Friday, October 28th, 2022



ULaaDS’ vision is to foster sustainable and liveable cities through the deployment of innovative, shared, zero-emission logistics, while dealing with the impact of the on-demand economy.

The consortium of over 25 partners from over 9 countries, including key logistics stakeholders and academic institutions, and led by three municipalities committed to zero emissions city logistics – Bremen, Mechelen and Groningen – is accelerating the deployment of innovative, feasible and shared zero-emissions solutions. These solutions are focused on addressing the challenges generated by the rise of the on-demand economy in urban logistics, as well as the existing business & operating models, and technologies. In short, ULaaDS is delivering solutions for urban logistics in the on-demand economy.

Setting up innovative logistics solutions means ditching traditional company and administration boundaries. ULaaDS is developing a methodology for effective multi-stakeholder collaboration, involving the whole urban logistics ecosystem. These local fora are working together to build future on-demand urban logistics scenarios.

Additionally, as practice makes perfect, ULaaDS will develop and trial logistics solutions based on the principles of the sharing economy across the three Lighthouse cities Bremen, Mechelen and Groningen. Through its trials, ULaaDS is re-thinking the value of ‘ownership’ and ‘use’ in the urban logistics sector, testing shared, connected and zero-emission solutions for cost-effective delivery.

The project will upscale and transfer the outcomes generated in the trials to its Satellite cities (Alba Iulia, Rome, Bergen and Edinburgh) and Follower cities. To further boost the uptake of zero-emission logistics, ULaaDS will develop a decision support toolbox that will help cities in integrating ULaaDS principles into their SUMPs and SULPs processes.

UlaaDS at TRA 2022 

At TRA 2022 in Lisbon, Portugal, ULaaDS will participate in the ALICE logistics innovation village together with many other pioneering projects in the field of logistics. Here, ULaaDS will showcase the progress made and key findings throughout the first 2 years of this 3-year project through a dedicated poster and interactive leaflet

Here you can also see the 1 min video used at TRA 2022.

Additionally, key findings from one of our key partners, the University of Groningen, will be presented in a dedicated session at the Innovation Theatre on the 15th of November at 12:15 (TRA Day 2). The session will focus on results from their Delphi study, conducted under WP2 in ULaaDS and published as a project deliverable named ‘Future scenarios for last-mile logistics in midsize European cities’.

Furthermore, Ulaads will have a project presentation and showcase the results of the project at the Innovation Theatre on:

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