KEYSTONE project at ALICE Innovation Village

Thursday, March 21st, 2024

KEYSTONE develops a seamless data-sharing environment and API standard and allows enforcement authorities, freight terminals and logistics operators to access data for compliance checks in the transport of goods and passengers.


Digitisation is revolutionising the way cargo and traffic operations are organised, and prepares the way for innovation via emerging new services, and technologies. This facilitates the cooperation between the logistics sector and enforcement authorities by simplifying and reducing the workload, ensuring reliable real-time data access, securing data exchange, and lowering administrative costs, especially at the critical points of border crossings.

KEYSTONE is a Research & Innovation Action (RIA), which started on 01 June 2023 and ends on 31 May 2026, funded by both the European Commission and the United Kingdom Research & Innovation (UKRI). The Consortium consists of 15 partners from 6 countries across the continent.

KEYSTONE’s overreaching goal is the development and conceptualisation of a sustainable, efficient, and safe transport system for sharing data, allowing enforcement authorities to access them for compliance checks for goods and passengers.

The development of this vision will be achieved with the following innovative actions throughout the project:

(1) Tailored and standardised digital solutions from existing use cases to the transport system:

The conceptualisation and mapping of the existing needs and barriers are required to identify the challenges of the people employed in the transport logistics sector, such as logistics operators, freight terminal operators and enforcement authorities. For this reason, an ad-hoc survey and a call for 1-on-1 interviews have been launched (open until the end of March 2024), to receive valuable insights from experts employed in the transport and logistics sectors and define closely the market needs. The feedback received will facilitate the digital transformation process in the transport sector and create a digitalised and refined web application that will reduce administrative burden and costs and will be used by both businesses and authorities across Europe.

(2) Web app solution to bring a new API standard and Plug & Play Framework to life:

To demonstrate the validity of the solutions proposed an app will be developed so that two highly diverse pilots can prove the efficiency of KEYSTONE’s innovative solution. KEYSTONE’s digital solutions consist of a standardised API reference model for data and information, implementing the Plug & Play Framework, that will accelerate the data sharing between logistics operators and transport enforcement authorities based on a federated approach.

(3) Reduced operational costs and CO2 footprint:

The design of the comprehensive web app will facilitate enforcement authorities to complete multi-lingual and verified documentation digitally, reducing the workload and environmental impact and optimising traffic flow.

(4)  A safer data transfer system and promotion of CCAM technologies:

KEYSTONE aims to develop a secure environment to achieve safer, more secure, and more efficient transport flows by developing and commercialising at least three modular solutions thanks to seamless information exchange with enforcement authorities and promoting the deployment of CCAM technologies and systems in the EU.



KEYSTONE will showcase the findings of its work by presenting the paper entitled “Knowledgeable comprehensive and fully integrated smart solution for resilient, sustainable and optimized transport operations” on Wednesday 17 April 2024 at 09:45 -11:00 at the PS 4.3 Transport Data Sharing.

Additionally, during the TRA 2024 in Dublin, you can meet in the ALICE booth – ALICE Logistics Innovation Village, stand N°12, and discover how KEYSTONE activities are redefining transport, paving the way for the digitisation of the transport logistics sector.

Find out more at:


KEYSTONE (Knowledgable comprEhensive and fullY integrated SmarT sOlutioNs for rEsilient, sustainable and optimized transport operations) has received funding from the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101103740.Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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