Logistics Data Exchange: ALICE’s Discussion Paper

Thursday, May 2nd, 2024

The future of efficient logistics through synchronised data sharing

In a move to streamline Europe’s logistics sector, the European Technology Platform ALICE has recently published its Discussion Paper: “A New Level of Data Synchronization for Efficient Logistics Data Exchange.” This initiative coincided with the strategic deliberations at TRA 2024, where the logistics community gathered to tackle data sharing inefficiencies and forge paths towards integrated, interoperable logistics operations.

Improving data exchange in logistics

The logistics and transport sector has long struggled with inefficiencies resulting from legacy, paper-based systems, fragmented data and isolated information silos. Recognising these challenges, the ALICE discussion paper offers a transformative approach, advocating the adoption of a common high-level language and a robust set of communication protocols. This initiative aims to facilitate seamless and secure data exchange between different logistics stakeholders, improving real-time information flow and operational efficiency.

TRA 2024: a platform for initiating change

During the recent TRA 2024, the session titled “How to Achieve Transport Data Sharing?” highlighted these pressing issues. With ALICE and Eurocontrol leading the discussion, the session provided a platform to explore technological innovations capable of overcoming market fragmentation and propelling the sector towards harmonised data sharing practices.

During the session, the Discussion Paper was presented, providing a pragmatic blueprint for action. It underlined the need for a decentralised, peer-to-peer data sharing framework and set the stage for a comprehensive dialogue on how to achieve coherent and harmonised logistics data practices across Europe.

Key proposals of the Discussion Paper

  1. A common high-level language: The paper proposes a universal semantic framework for describing logistics operations that would enable interoperability and reduce the complexity of data integration.
  2. Adoption of a set of communication protocols: The paper advocates for replacing outdated data exchange methods with modern, secure protocols that comply with current web standards, ensuring faster and more secure data transactions.

The ALICE Discussion Paper aims to mobilise stakeholders from across the logistics and transport sectors to embrace digital transformation. By highlighting successful case studies and potential frameworks, the document encourages an industry-wide consensus on effective data management strategies that support scalability, sustainability, and regulatory compliance.




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