Oct 26, 2021

Have your say and influence next Horizon Europe Innovation Programme of Logistics and beyond: Join us in this online workshop!

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021

For all stakeholders interested in R&I in freight transport and logistics

10:00 – 12:00 (CEST) Tuesday October 26th 2021

Since 2014, ALICE, as the Logistics European Technology Platform (ETP), has played an active role in defining a vision for freight transport and logistics and derive Research and Innovation needs to accelerate the innovation implementation towards competitiveness, efficiency and sustainability of Europe.  ALICE role and mandate as an ETP has been to provide recommendations and support the European Commissions in defining R&I programmes (Horizon 2020 and now Horizon Europe) and priorities implemented in funding calls. Additionally, ALICE roadmaps and recommendations are supporting countries, regions and companies to define their own priorities and implement them through their programmes.

ALICE continues its efforts to gather R&I priorities on freight transport and logistics engaging in discussions with EU, country and regional research and innovation funding officers.

The BOOSTLOG project, a 3 year project funded by the EU through HORIZON 2020, is supporting ALICE in this process and is gathering R&I priorities to be implemented through different programmes including the upcoming Horizon Europe Work Programmes 2023-2024. The BOOSTLOG consortium has carried out an online questionnaire survey from July – September 2021. The survey results has indicated priorities in the European freight transport and logistics R&I ecosystem. We would like to invite you to join the workshop to validate the priorities we identified and to form recommendations for next programmes and calls.

Agenda & Presentation: 

10:00 – 10:10  Welcome by Fernando Liesa, Secretary General, ALICE (Welcome)

10:10 – 10:25  Keynote speech: Experience of forming Work Programme of Horizon Europe 2021-2022 and Plan for Work Programme 2023-2024, by Paola Chiarini, DG MOVE, EC (Paola Chiarini Presentation)

10:25  – 10:35 Keynote speech: R&I Funding in the Logistics and Implementation of the ALICE Roadmap: Experiences from the Netherlands, by Bas van Bree, Dutch Institute for Advanced Logistics (TKI DINALOG) (Bas van Bree Presentation)

10:35  – 10:45 Keynote speech: Integrating the Physical Internet (PI) Roadmap into a Logistics Cluster’s Strategy: Flanders’ Use Case, by Kris Neyens, The Flanders Institute for Logistics (VIL) (Kris Neyens Presentation)

10:45  – 11:45 Identified priorities for Research and Innovation in Logistics: results from BOOSTLOG survey and Open Discussions, Moderated by Andreas Nettsträter, Fraunhofer IML (Andreas Nettsträter presentation)

11:45 – 12:00  Closing remark & next steps by Fernando Liesa, Secretary General, ALICE

Recording of the workshop


More information:


Activities performed in the frame of BOOSTLOG Project, “Boosting impact generation from research and innovation on integrated freight transport and Logistics system”, that has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant No 101006902

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