Oct 09, 2018
Physical Internet Workshop
Tuesday, August 7th, 2018

ALICE invites you to attend this Physical Internet Workshop to be held in Munich on the 9th and 10th of October 2018.
- Share and discuss the concept of the Physical Internet building consensus and providing feedback to ALICE Roadmap Towards Physical Internet.
- Define main areas of development for the Physical Internet and connecting different ongoing projects and initiatives contributing to it.
- Identify specific actions that need to be done in the short term to get to next steps for the Physical Internet realization.
- Day 1 will be focussed on discussing the Roadmap itself, the key research and open questions giving attention to immediate next steps to build the Physical Internet.
- Day 2 will be focussed on connecting the Roadmap with ongoing initiatives (research & Innovation projects), company implementations and start-ups that are contributing pieces to the Physical Internet.
- ALICE members and external stakeholders with a focus on industry.
- Any stakeholder that wants to share a and ongoing initiative with the Physical Internet Community. Contact ALICE Secretariat for further information.
Questions to be adressed:
- When sending goods through the Physical Internet. Who is responsible of this service?
- How capacity is booked to transport and store within Physical Internet?
- How the Physical Internet is built?
- What is the different from current shipper/LSP relation?
- Why Shippers will not lose control of the goods?
- What kind of Governance is required for the Physical Internet?
- Who decides on this kind of Governance?
Please, share with us your questions and we will adress them in the workshop.
The workshop is supported by:

Activities performed in the frame of SENSE “Accelerating the Path Towards the Physical Internet”. The SENSE project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreement No. 769967. |
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