Oct 29, 2024

Registration Open: Joint Webinar on Find Space for Mobility and Logistics Data

Friday, September 27th, 2024


The rules for common European data spaces will cover areas like health, mobility, environment, energy and agriculture, to make better use of publicly held data for research for the common good, support voluntary data sharing by individuals, and. set up structures to enable key organisations to share data. However, application of data space in urban mobility, particularly how to apply data space in the urban logistics sector, is still in flux. Currently, there is a project (deployEMDS) working on European Mobility Data Space, and DISCO aims to application of data space in urban logistics. In the framework of DISCO project, an award dedicated to data space integration will be announced in October, and this webinar will invite the winner to share their practice.

This webinar will invite experts in data space and pioneers of using data space in the urban mobility sector, and engage with current R&I project practitioners to exchange views, and inform each other technical development and implementation. This webinar will be useful for practitioners in urban mobility and logistics, policy makers, researchers, etc.


  • Develop an overview of current EU policies and technology trends on data space
  • Present current practices of European mobility data space and application of mobility data space in the logistics sector

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Chiara Venturini, Head of Digital Transformation & Economic Development at Eurocities, will present EU principles on data space and/or current practices of application of data space in cities.
  • Laure De Cock & Casper Van Gheluwe, IMEC, expert from the deployEMDS project, will present the latest development of European Mobility Data Space
  • Dries Van Bever, IMEC, expert from the DISCO project, will present a use case of Data Space in urban logistics in Ghent

Expected outcomes:

  • Better understanding of data space and their potential application in the urban logistics sector
  • Collaboration among various stakeholders to implement data space for achieving zero emission urban logistics

Link to Registration



DISCO is a Horizon Europe project that stands for ‘Data-driven, Integrated, Syncromodal, Collaborative and Optimised urban freight meta-model for a new generation of urban logistics and planning with data sharing at European Living Labs’. It drives selected European cities towards a Physical-Internet approach that aims to overcome possible trade-offs between the accessibility of goods and services, quality of life and environmental aspects necessitating fewer kms travelled to deliver the same amount of goods. 23 data-driven innovation measures will be demonstrated in the Living Labs. DISCO is a collaboration between 47 European partners. The project is coordinated by FIT Consulting. More information, please check the project website.

About deployEMDS

deployEMDS is a project co-funded under the EU Digital Europe Programme and responds to its outlined challenges. The project will help make the common European mobility data space a reality.  The initiative will cultivate a broad European ecosystem of data providers and users, facilitating the adoption of common building blocks. 16 use cases from nine EU countries will contribute to the development of innovative services and applications. More information, please check the project website.

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