Thursday, May 16th, 2019
POLIS and ALICE are working together to envision how urban logistics should be arranged exploiting the value of collaboration between cities and industry. The ongoing dialogue confirmed the value of this strategic collaboration that will be continued through joint meetings, Read more
Thursday, April 5th, 2018
SELIS delivers a central logistics information space in Europe, that is accessible for the transport sector, supply chain (SC) networks, as well as its actors, users, and public authorities. SELIS responds to the European Commission’s strategy for Smart, Green and Read more
Friday, July 14th, 2017
We are pleased to invite you to the final conference on Logistics Cloud, which will take place on 27th of September 2017 at Auditorium Karel Van Miert, Madou Tower, Place Madou 1, 1210 Brussels The European Commission and the ALICE Platform organized Read more