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ALICE welcomes Elvina Nowak and Tomas Ambra to the ALICE secretariat team

Friday, October 21st, 2022

ALICE welcomed Elvina Nowak and Tomas Ambra as part of the secretariat team in September and October 2022 respectively: Elvina Nowak took the position of Project Manager for CRISTAL and MULTIRELOAD projects and will support the TG4 Programme (Supply Network Read more

TRA 2022 – ALICE look forward to welcoming you at the Logistics Innovation Village in Lisbon

Thursday, September 1st, 2022

ALICE is thrilled about the participation in the next Transport Research Arena, Lisbon, 14-17 November. As part of the exhibition 16  projects will be animating the ALICE booth logistics R&I projects’ exhibition area:  AEGIS, LEAD, MOSES, MOVE21, STORM, ULAADS, HITS, Read more

Oct 04, 2022

5G-LOGINNOV-ALICE | Collaborative Innovation Day

Tuesday, August 16th, 2022

We are moving ever-closer to a super-connected, 5G-enabled world for individuals and objects: 5G and more in general the research and innovation ecosystem are building blocks of our digital economy and society in the next decade, a key asset for Read more

Call for Implementation Cases for ALICE Innovation Award for Data Sharing in Supply Chain

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2022

Data sharing has contributed to reduced administrative costs in transport and logistics, improved overall efficiency of the logistics chain,  more efficient enforcement of freight transport rules in the Union, as well as the European Maritime Single Window Environment and the Read more

Jul 05, 2022

European Logistics Innovation Day: first in-person event of BOOSTLOG

Thursday, June 2nd, 2022

For all stakeholders interested in logistics, particularly those who work on sustainability and innovation BOOSTLOG vision is transforming European freight transport and logistics R&I ecosystem to perform optimally boosting impact generation out of R&I investment contributing to EU policy objectives Read more

Jun 20, 2022

Launch of ALICE 5G Interest Group

Wednesday, May 25th, 2022

The focus group identifies, exchange knowledge and experiences of 5G technology applications for transport and logistics. The collection of information for 5G logistics applications, liaison with as many of projects and initiatives as possible, and the presentation of their results Read more

Apr 07, 2022

ALICE-ELUPEG Blockchain Group

Monday, May 2nd, 2022

Over the past 2 years ALICE/ELUPEG Blockchain Group has been meeting in a digital way. Now, for the first time the group members had a chance to meet each other finally face-to-face on April 7th, 2022, at Schiphol Airport Amsterdam. Read more

May 18, 2022

ALICE Webinar on AI applications, May 18, 2022

Tuesday, April 12th, 2022

In May 2021 we launched successfully (60+ members attending) the ALICE Artificial Intelligence for Logistics Applications group as part of the ALICE Systems and Technologies for Interconnected Logistics Thematic Group. We have hosted sessions focussed on: Artificial Intelligence in ports Read more

Apr 07, 2022

Seminar on Blockchain Applications and Data Sharing Topics in the European Logistics Industry

Wednesday, March 30th, 2022

Over the past 2 years we have been meeting each other only in a digital way. Although we are all used to this in the meantime, we are now for the first time in a position to meet each other Read more

Mar 31, 2022

Webinar on Artificial Intelligence in Intralogistics, March 31, 2022

Friday, March 4th, 2022

In May 2021 we launched successfully (60+ members attending) the ALICE Artificial Intelligence for Logistics Applications group as part of the ALICE Systems and Technologies for Interconnected Logistics Thematic Group. We have hosted sessions focussed on: Artificial Intelligence in ports Read more