FOR-FREIGHT project at ALICE Innovation Village

The FOR-FREIGHT project aims to maximize the utilization of multimodal freight transport capacity and reduce the average cost of freight transport through the development of novel solutions and their integration with legacy logistics systems. This will enable more effective and sustainable management of goods and freight flows in airports, ports, inland terminals and various logistics nodes, taking into account the requirements of all involved stakeholders, and accounting for economic, environmental and social aspects. Through the FOR-FREIGHT solutions the following functionalities will be delivered:

  1. Real-time door-to-door tracking and status monitoring & control of cargo,
  2. Decision Support Systems for the optimization of resource utilization based on Digital Twin concept,
  3. Increased resilience against large scale disruptive events and increased security of information based on Blockchain technology,
  4. Increased sustainability through the implementation of a carbon footprint assessment framework and use of alternative modes of transportation (subway).
To achieve these ambitious goals, the FOR-FREIGHT project engages world-leading T&L stakeholders specializing in different modes of transportation, such as port and airport authorities, terminal operators, airfreights handlers, train operators and major transport/shipping operators and brings them together with leading SW and technology developers, research organizations and innovative SMEs. This collaboration will drive the deployment of three state-of-the-art multimodal trial facilities, to enable real life trials in operational environments covering heterogeneous multimodal scenarios.


  1. Valencia trial site (Spain): Seaport –> Last mile  Blockchain & Digital Twins to support Decision Making in multimodal transport combined with Subway-Based Network for sustainable last mile distribution
  2. Athens trial site (Greece): Airport <–>Seaport End-to-end optimization with DSS and real-time monitoring & control capabilities
  3. Danube trial site (Romania): River port –> Rail Utilizing IoT & data processing solutions

The FOR-FREIGHT platform will provide end-to end view of the multimodal transport planning, monitoring and operations assessment as well as a support system for real-time, automated decision-making based on decentralized data management/integration with existing legacy systems in the supply chains and external data sources.

Main outcomes and products of the FOR-FREIGHT project
  • Analysis & Generalization of real operational cases to facilitate the deployment of efficient intermodal interfaces between modes, nodes and operators
  • Exploring emerging intermodality cases using new capacities and efficient interfaces – Utilization of a Subway-Based Network as sustainable alternative for last mile distribution
  • Comprehensive technology-driven solvers library & easy to expand & to use that includes monitoring & prediction of CO2 footprint, costs, capacities, forecasts, resilient index times, etc.
  • Efficient Intermodal Operation Decision Support System architecture enabling solvers integrated operation for inter-disciplinary/ multi-domain resource utilization optimization & monitor & planning
  • Setting a “common ground” for logistics communication: Expansion of TIC4.0’s common language to hinterland actors (warehouse, dry port, airport, land transport)

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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