UNCHAIN project at ALICE Innovation Village

Tuesday, March 26th, 2024


In today’s fast-paced world, where the convenience of online shopping reigns supreme, the demand for last-mile delivery is soaring. However, the exponential growth in deliveries is taking a toll on urban spaces, leading to congestion, pollution, and inefficiency. The UNCHAIN project is on a mission to revolutionize urban logistics and create sustainable, resilient, and safe cities for all.

Cities are the engines of global GDP, but they also generate a significant portion of global emissions. With the rise of e-commerce and changing consumer behaviours, the challenges faced by urban planners, policymakers, and logistics providers have never been greater. Last-mile deliveries, with their atomized parcels and frequent return flows, have become a major challenge in energy consumption and space utilization.

Urban Freight Distribution (UFD) is the backbone of delivering goods to city dwellers, but it also contributes to traffic congestion, air pollution, and road safety issues. As cities strive to become more sustainable, optimizing urban transport and logistics while allocating space efficiently has become a pressing priority.

The UNCHAIN project, with 10 European cities on board, aims to transform the way cities manage logistics and space. By integrating data from various sources, UNCHAIN will develop 12 data-driven city services, validated by these cities, to tackle congestion, safety, and environmental challenges.

An essential part of UNCHAIN’s mission is breaking down data silos and fostering public-private data exchange and interoperability. By creating a single, cross-border European space for mobility data, the project will empower logistics operators and city managers alike to make informed decisions and improve operational efficiency.

Through collaboration between public authorities and logistics stakeholders, UNCHAIN will introduce a range of services, including decision support for land use strategy, Sustainable Urban Logistics Plans (SULPs), and Urban Vehicle Access Regulations (UVARs). These data-driven solutions will optimize the planning and operation of Urban Consolidation Centres (UCCs) and pick-up and drop-off zones, paving the way for sustainable urban logistics.


With UNCHAIN’s innovative services, cities will anticipate the impacts of policy measures, reduce freight transport’s impact on the urban fabric, and work towards climate-neutral and smart cities. For logistics operators, alignment with sustainability goals will unlock mutually beneficial cooperation schemes, ensuring long-term collaboration and sustainable freight transport policies.

Ten European cities, including Madrid, Berlin, and Florence, will serve as living labs and followers, supporting the early adoption of UNCHAIN’s results. Major players in the logistics industry, such as DHL and UPS, will contribute to the project’s large-scale impact and feasibility.

UNCHAIN is breaking the chains of traditional urban logistics, forging a path towards a more sustainable and efficient future. By harnessing the power of data, technology, and collaboration, UNCHAIN is unlocking the potential for change and creating a brighter, greener world for all.



  • Data standardisation connectors and microservices for ICT mobility platforms
  • SUMPs and SULPs guidance tool
  • Freight-efficient land use strategy
  • UCC location and integrated planning KIT
  • On-street loading zones planning tool
  • Active UVARs and city regulations tools
  • Knowledge Powerhouse for urban logistics
  • Dynamic curb side management
  • Dynamic management of pick-up/drop-off points
  • IT Pop-Up delivery points management tool
  • Logistics operator monitoring system and incentives tool
  • Congestion forecasting and safe route planning
  • Advanced Management IT Cockpit of Shared Facilities

 Find out more at:

Home | Unchain (unchainproject.eu)


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101103812

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