Feb 09, 2024
Webinar: ALICE Policy Monitoring 1st session – Group and Tools
Wednesday, January 24th, 2024

On the 9th of February, we will officially kick off the activities of our new “ALICE’s EU Policy Monitoring Group” with a webinar open to all ALICE Members. A new guide we created to help you better understand and stay abreast with policymaking in the European Union (EU). The group is a new section as part of the Knowledge Platform.
What is the ALICE’s EU Policy Monitoring Group?
The ALICE’s EU Policy Monitoring group offers an overview of relevant Freight transport & Logistics files by providing insights, updates and key documents as part of the European legislative pipeline. Being part of the group will help you to be informed on the developments around policymaking in the European Union.
Members of the group:
- will receive updates by e-mail on all the files part of the monitor regarding the steps and evolution in the policy pipeline: European Commission, Parliament & Council.
- will have access to the repository with all files in the ALICE intranet, directing you to the relevant pages in the European Commission, Parliament, Council or official journal of the European Union.
- will meet regularly to exchange and get an overview of the latest developments.
- Can suggest sessions in which to focus on specific files, discuss on the implications of it on particular fields, gather other members opinions, etc.
11.00 ALICE Policy Monitoring Group. Fernando Liesa
- What the Policy Monitoring group is and what is not
- Relevant files for ALICE members
- Latest news
- Q&A
11:15 ALICE Policy Monitoring Tools. Andrea Annunziata
- Policy files compilation Excel file
- Policy Monitoring Knowledge Platform Group
- Q&A
11:30 Feedback from participants & associations
- Nicolette Van der Jagt – Director General – CLECAT
- Thomas Fabian – Commercial Vehicles Director – ACEA
- Hélder Pereira – Project Manager – ESC
Which files are we monitoring so far?

Back to overview