Mar 26, 2025

[Webinar] Find Space for Mobility & Logistics Data #2

Monday, March 3rd, 2025

Seamless exchange of data, both in mobility and logistics sector, is key to optimize operational flows, share of information and overall effectiveness of transport. At city level, the information flow between several modes of transport is often siloed, and citizens are not always informed of the most effective modes to use to move around the city efficiently in real-time. At EU-level, the landscape of solutions is still quite scattered.
Some initiatives aim to facilitate seamless and secure data exchange between different transport and logistics stakeholders, improving real-time information flow and operational efficiency. This webinar will gather experts from the European project DELPHI to present a concrete use case in a city and from EDIC, European initiative aiming to play a central role in bringing all actors in these fields together to share their expertise and experience.
It will be an opportunity to discuss around the topic of data exchange, sharing views and technical developments implementation. This webinar will be useful for practitioners in urban mobility and logistics, policy makers, researchers, etc.


1. introduction

2. Data exchange use case presentation – DELPHI project

3. BoostEDIC project updates

3. Q&A session

  • Moderated by Giannis KanellopoulosICCS, DELPHI coordination & ALICE TG3 vice-chair

4. Wrap up-next steps

  • Giuseppe LuppinoALICE


The recorded session videos and presentations will be made available in the ALICE Knowledge Platform Urban Logistics group event page:

* Do note that this event is for ALICE members! . Non-members are allowed to participate under confirmation of participation by ALICE



DELPHI project has received funding under grant agreement No 101104263. It is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


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