Exploring the synergies between ALICE and the Open Logistics Foundation

Tuesday, August 27th, 2024

On 20 August 2024, ALICE hosted a webinar in collaboration with the Open Logistics Foundation (OLF), focusing on the potential synergies between the two organisations in driving logistics innovation and digital transformation. Here are some highlights of the opportunities for collaboration and mutual benefits for both ALICE and OLF members.

Role of open source technology in logistics

Empowering the logistics industry with innovative and collaborative open source solutions is the core mission of the Open Logistics Foundation. As a non-profit community founded in October 2021, OLF is dedicated to driving positive and efficient change in the logistics and supply chain sectors through the development and implementation of de facto standards. The Foundation’s vision is to create a future where logistics operations are more efficient, connected, accessible, and sustainable.

Discussions during the webinar focused on the transformative role of open source technology in the logistics industry. Open source solutions are increasingly recognised for their ability to reduce costs, promote inclusivity and empower businesses of all sizes by levelling the playing field. As the logistics sector moves towards a more connected and collaborative ecosystem, open source platforms are seen as critical enablers of flexibility, resilience and sustainability.

Strengthening collaboration between ALICE and OLF

In 2023, the Open Logistics Foundation and ALICE signed a Memorandum of Understanding to jointly promote the adoption of collaborative open source solutions in logistics and supply chain management. This strategic partnership aims to align the efforts of both organisations to foster innovation and accelerate the digital transformation of logistics operations across Europe.

The webinar served as a platform to explore how OLF’s initiatives could benefit ALICE members and to understand their interest in the various ongoing projects. Andreas Netstrater, CEO of OLF, provided an overview of the Foundation’s key topics, including electronic consignment notes, Track & Trace, sustainability, digital air cargo, and customs. These initiatives represent a concerted effort by OLF partners to address existing challenges and pave the way for a more efficient and sustainable logistics industry.

Harmonising digital processes for greater efficiency

A key theme that emerged during the interactive webinar was the need to harmonise digital processes within the logistics sector. The industry, characterised by a high degree of fragmentation, faces significant challenges related to the integration and interoperability of various IT systems. This fragmentation often leads to inefficiencies and a lack of standardisation in critical areas such as transport orders and data sharing.

Mr. Netstrater drew an insightful parallel between the physical standardisation of logistics, exemplified by the introduction of ISO containers, and the current digital landscape. Just as the logistics industry once agreed on physical standards to improve efficiency, there is now an urgent need to establish common standards for digital processes. Open source technology, supported by neutral bodies such as OLF, offers a viable way to achieve this harmonisation.

By adopting open source solutions, companies can foster better collaboration across the supply chain. This approach moves the industry away from isolated, individual solutions towards more mature, industry-wide standards. The collaborative development of these standards, facilitated by platforms such as OLF, ensures that the resulting solutions are robust, widely accepted and able to meet the diverse needs of the logistics community.

For those interested in learning more or participating in future discussions, additional information will be made available on the ALICE Knowledge Platform. ALICE members are encouraged to take part in these discussions to help shape the future of logistics in Europe.

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