Jul 08, 2022
Zero Emission Zones & Logistics Solutions: A dialogue between policy makers & logistics practitioners
Sunday, June 19th, 2022

We invite ALICE and POLIS members to join a dialogue between policy makers and private sector on zero emission zones and logistics solutions.
This webinar aims to facilitate the discussion between policy makers and logistics practitioners on zero emission zones (ZEZ) and logistics solutions, in order to inform each other on current policy development and efforts made from the logistics sector. Through the discussion, POLIS and ALICE will help to build trust with stakeholders and ensure policy development and implementation taking into account of the logistics sector’ views, thus reach our ambitions of zero emission urban logistics by 2030.
Format of the webinar:
The webinar will consist of presentations and panel discussions. This webinar is open to ALICE and POLIS members only.
- 9:00 – 9:15 Welcome and presentation from Paola Cossu, CEO of FIT Consulting/Vice chair of ALICE Urban Logistics Thematic Group: Our views on Urban Vehicle Access Regulation (Presentation)
- 9:15 – 9:35 Presentation from the SURF team: Recommendations on Zero Emission Zones for cities by Raffaele Vergnani, POLIS (Surf Introduction Presentation);
- 9:25 – 9:40 Surf Project – Karditsa Case study by Alexia Spirydonidou, City of Karditsa, Greece (Karditsa Case Study)
- 9:40 – 10:25 Discussion: views from the private sector & discussion between policy makers and private sector
- 10:25 – 10:30 Final remarks
The Panel consisted of policy makers and private sector with panellists:
- Policy makers:
- Alexia Spirydonidou, City of Karditsa, Greece
- Sjouke van der Vlougt, City of Groningen, the Netherland
- Jasper Van Den Berghen, Department of Mobility and Public Works, Flanders, Belgium;
- Catherine Ittner, Zero Emission Freight Senior Programme Manager, C40
- Private sector:
- Artur Drenk, UPS International Sustainability Manager
- Pierre FILS, Bpost
Key take ways from the workshop:
- Implementation of zero emission zones can only be a success if public and private sectors cooperate and trust each other.
- Big players and smaller players may have different views. Their needs must be taken into account consideration to avoid a regulation that would bring unfairness to the market.
- Big players need more time to plan their operations and are different; therefore public authorities should inform any implementation of zero emission zones minimum 2 year ahead.
- Big players cannot develop a strategy for only one city. Cities should aim to have a harmonised approach rather than to develop a very specific regulation which may drive some operators leave the market.
- Implementation of zero emission zones will have to have supporting instruments in place, e.g. micro logistics hubs in city centre to enable smaller zero emissions vehicles or cargo bikes for the last mile transport. Local authorities need to enable micro logistics hubs. Collaborative micro hubs that can used by various logistics operators are evidently beneficial according to experiences from Madrid.
- Logistics sector is one of few sectors that provide job opportunities to local low-skilled workers. An reduction in logistics operation in a city will reduce loss in job opportunities that may be not easily replaced.
- Co-creation of pilot projects to test potential implementation of zero emission zones has been approved as an effective way to understand needs of various stakeholders and deliver a comprehensive policy framework that benefit local communities and business. Private sectors are encouraged to participate in such pilot projects.
- All stakeholders agree that e-commerce will continue to grow. A proactive approach to address future challenges is needed. Implementation of zero emission zone in a city should not force business or logistics operators to increase cost, which will eventually become burden on consumers, leading to reduced competitiveness of economy of the city.
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